What is a puzzle hunt? How do I solve these puzzles?

Puzzle hunt puzzles encourage you to "think outside the box". They often don't contain instructions and figuring out what to do is a big part of the solving process. In a typical puzzle, you receive some information and have to extract an answer out of it, which is typically an english word or phrase. These puzzles may involve a wide variety of mechanics, such as logic, crosswords, and sudokus, and may also cover a wide variety of topics, such as science, history, and popular culture.

Note that this is not a trivia test! Using the internet, Google, Wikipedia, and asking friends and family for help are not only allowed, but encouraged.

Sounds interesting! Can I see some examples?

We're not releasing our puzzles until our hunt starts, but there are plenty of fantastic puzzle hunts out there! We recommend checking out Puzzle Potluck, Colby's Curious Cookoff, and Puzzled Pint. If you're still hungry for more, Puzzle Hunt Calendar posts upcoming puzzlehunts.

When does the hunt start? How long will it last?

The hunt will officially start on December 4, 2020 at 18:00PST and end on December 6, 2020 at 18:00PST.

What happens when the hunt ends?

Once the hunt ends, we'll freeze the leaderboard, release solutions for all puzzles, and post a wrap-up after collecting feedback. If you weren't able to finish, or if you missed the hunt, don't worry! You can still play with the puzzles and submit guesses.

How long will this take?

There are about ~15 puzzles plus a multi-part metapuzzle. We expect top teams to finish within the first day, and many teams to finish over the weekend. Feel free to continue playing after the hunt ends.

Do I need to have seen or be pretty familiar with the films in order to solve any of the puzzles?

No. We've been playtesting with friends who have not seen the movies and they are still able to solve them. Any references are easily searchable.

Do any of the puzzles contain what might be considered spoilers for any of the Pixar movies?

No. We reference a few main characters in a couple puzzles, but there isn't anything revealing about any plots.

Is there a physical component to this hunt?

Nope. This hunt is entirely online. We recommend video chatting teammates and doing these puzzles from home.

Is there a registration deadline?


Can I switch tracks?

Before the hunt starts: Yes. After the hunt starts: You can switch from expert to casual.

Are there any prizes?

Nope, besides the joy of solving puzzles! :)

Is the hunt free?

This hunt is free, but if you enjoy the puzzles and would like to support us, you can donate via Paypal (preferred), Buy Us a Coffee, or consider buying some stickers! ❤️

This art is great! Who drew it?

Caro is an amazing artist :) She uses Procreate for iPad and also created an IG recently: @churroliney

Can I write code that interacts with the servers?

Please don't do this. This is not necessary to complete any aspect of the hunt.

I'm stuck on a puzzle! What do I do?

Our Rules page describes how our hints system works. Remember there are no penalties for hints! But if you're still stuck, here are some tips:

  • Check your work! Sometimes fixing a small mistake can help get you unstuck. Remember also that you can check partial answers for many puzzles.
  • Consider what information you haven't used yet. Sometimes flavortext might hold clues too.
  • Take a break, or try getting fresh eyes on a puzzle.
  • Make use of Google (or other search engines)! Feel free to also ask friends and family for help.
  • Can you share any puzzle hunting resources?

    Sure! Here are a few resources and tools you might find useful for our hunt (all are free to use):

  • Puzzled Pint's Code Sheet
  • Puzzled Pint's Guide to Solving Cryptic Crosswords
  • OneLook (Wildcard Dictionary)
  • Pixlr (Online Photoshop tool)
  • Wordplays' Anagram Solver
  • I think there's a mistake in this puzzle, or something wrong with the website! What do I do?

    Please email us at darocaropuzzles@gmail.com describing the error and we'll try to correct it.

    I still have unanswered questions!

    Feel free to email us at darocaropuzzles@gmail.com and we'll do our best to answer them! You might also find answer on our Rules page or About page.